
Did I see you in the doctor's office?

I have some other bosses...AccentHealth is the leading patient education media company at the point-of-care, located in over 30,000 physician waiting rooms and serving over 70,000 medical professionals nationwide. AccentHealth features its award-winning waiting room television network, reaching over 202 million yearly viewers with programming produced by CNN's Medical Unit.

Dr. Sanjay and I co-host the programming.

They announced today they have purchased the Asthma and Allergy waiting room television network of Caervision Corp. The new doctor office locations will become part of the AccentHealth network and will carry AccentHealth's award-winning health education programming produced by CNN.

So maybe you'll see me there in addition to HLN?

Here's a sample:

AccentHealth Leads and Tags from Latha Nair-Erickson on Vimeo.

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