
Who knew? I'm a curse?

Janna wrote a hilarious newspaper column and she called me a "curse."

My husband, on the other hand, LOVES to have every television on throughout the house all day long (usually Headline News.) He says he likes to know what’s happening in the world, but I know he has a major crush on my look-alike, Robin Meade.


Love it.

My husband took a few pictures so I could post this cool experience on my website ( and I walked out, feeling pretty good… until I looked at the pictures on his camera. A chunk of my hair looked like Elvis Presley’s sideburn and when I asked my husband why he didn’t tell me, he shrugged and said, “I didn’t notice.”

Of course not, HE WAS STARING AT JENNA THE WHOLE TIME. It was the Robin Meade curse all over again.

Here's her interview...


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