
Did ya see the story in USA Today about me?

I am thrilled that USA Today wrote about my upcoming album... they called me "PERKY" HA! Could be worse I guess...

They do a good job explaining why I call my news and information program "mood enhancement."

The Morning Express With Robin Meade host told USA TODAY she tried to put together a "rootsy" album that was "a musical reflection of what I'm known for."

"I look at it as I'm writing about people and their experiences and my own experiences in a way I can convey to somebody else," she says. "You're writing about loves and wins and losses, just like you are for a news story — but I'm doing it in a different form, a form that's about 3 minutes, 30 seconds long and set to a melody and can move you emotionally."

If you were wondering how I could sell my music to Target and still be objective as a newser, USA Today touched on the subject:

Because she's a TV journalist, Meade can't actually have a relationship with Target; she might have to report on them, which would be a conflict of interest. Instead, she records the songs and licenses the album to Mood Entertainment, which has end-aisle listening stations at many Target stores.

They jogged my memory about when I released my first album and sent a copy to Kenny Chesney: "No using this as a drink coaster." I said.

He texted me back a picture of his drink on my CD.

Here's Kenny asking me about "Morning Sunshine!!!!"

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