
Mom 2.0 Summit Panel discusses Beauty...

Had a great time moderating a panel discussion at Mom 2.0 Summit.
Here's the press release...

During the sixth annual Mom 2.0 Summit (May 1-3), Dove will convene with the leading digital voices in parenting to host a keynote panel conversation bringing together forward-thinking perspectives on beauty and confidence. Moderated by HLN Morning Express news anchor, Robin Meade, the panel will feature:
Pippa Lord – Lifestyle expert and former photography director will share a perspective on the future of confidence through the lens of beauty
Dr. Robyn Silverman – The award-winning psychologist will broaden the conversation, bringing to light the relationship between an individual's confidence and their feelings of beauty
Karen Walrond – Author of The Beauty of Different will share her perspective on the ever-evolving definition of beauty
Jennifer Bremner - The Director of Marketing for Dove will discuss the evolving beauty conversation over the past decade and how the industry is evolving
Bremner adds, "Women tend to be self-deprecating when they look in the mirror and this affects their overall confidence and happiness in their beauty. It is important to facilitate these essential conversations that can help women rethink how they see their beauty and themselves."

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