
Ask Me Anything Reddit - About My Music, and Acting?

About My Music

Who do I like?
Love me some Billy Dean, btw it's his birthday today. Happy Birthday Billy!
Some of my music fans asked me about touring...
Regarding touring, I have to have my butt in the anchor chair 5 days a week... I should come up with a weekends only tour. Would you come? So I can sing to you personally!

i really feel like there's a reason im able to do both. meaning perhaps in the future in addition to news, i'll be thinking up some television show that combines both aspects into a never before done format
Would I do a USO show?
i would love to do that!
What was my inspiration to do news?
i actually wanted to do music first, but my dad frowned on it, so when my aptitude test in high school came back saying i was good in history, reading comprehension, etc, it asked what i wanted to do in the field of communications. i looked at my pals paper who wrote down "broadcast news anchor". i said to myself: great idea!
I should try acting???
My husband tells me I'm a bad liar and therefore I would be a bad actress because you have to actually convince yourself you are that person! However... he doesn't know the first thing about acting, so I think I could muster the right emotions... I just can't understand why ABC's Nashville hasn't called.

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