
TSA pats down a 6-year-old. Ludicrous or safety first?

Let's make Wednesday your best day of the week yet.
Not a bad way to come out of the block, eh?
When you tune in this morning:
An internet video shows the TSA patting down a tiny little girl.
It’s caused an uproar, and raises questions about whether the TSA has a one-size-fits-all policy.
Ludicrous to pat down a 6-year-old?
Or safety first?

See the vid on the show, sound off here:, get the links to email us, Facebook us or tweet me @robinmeade on Twitter.
No more little flip cams?!
Call it the side effect of smartphones that do everything except cook your dinner. Jennifer has more on the flip cam fade-away.
Teens who are constantly plugged into music may be plugging into depression, if you believe some new info out this morning.
(Personally, couldn't it go both ways, depending on what you’re listening too?) See what you think of this.
Baseball season is providing a welcome distraction and entertainment in Japan, about a month after its terrible quake and tsunami.
Joe Carter has more on that.
Check out a new smartphone with TWO screens. You'll see it here.
Bob has these important points in weather today:
There's a rainmaker for VA, PA, MD, the Northeast.
And flood warnings in the upper Midwest.
What are the top 10 royal wedding souvenirs?
Some are what you'd expect, like an official wedding coin, or china.
But check out the unusual items on the list.

Speaking of the Royal Wedding... are you following "Real Housewife of Beverly Hills" star Lisa Vanderpump on Twitter (@lisavanderpump) ? She's HLN's special Royal Wedding contributor so you'll be seeing a lot of her.

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