
Never say, "Don't you know who I am?"

Hi there. Welcome to a brand new day, a brand new friday!
In the news:
No agreement yet to get a budget done for the federal government.
Oh! But looky here:
While military and federal workers might see a stop in paychecks.....
GUESS WHO WILL STILL GET PAID, even though they can't seem to get their act together.
Eek where's the marker to write "THIS ONE"?!
Hospitals could be making a lot more mistakes than previously thought –
What are YOU paying at the pump?
(Oil prices are up… gas prices too)
Go to our facebook page and see how you compare with your fellow viewers.
“Don't you know who I am?” usually a statement followed by repulsive behavior. And that’s the allegation against Lebron James’ mom, now in trouble with the law.
We are learning who prince william and kate middleton PLAN TO LIVE WITH after they get hitched!
"I don't need this. Ill take three!"
Check out how stores situate products to make you buy more more MORE!
Maybe if you know about it, you won't unwittingly buy what you don't need.

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