
FAA Screws up another flight - with Michelle Obama's plane

Morning, Sunshine!

Another close call in the air – this one involving the First Lady.
Michelle Obama’s plane had to abort its landing because it got too close to a military cargo plane. Her plane was three miles from the other one, when it should have been five miles away.

Hello? FAA? Is anybody home?
A grim anniversary…
1 year ago today the Deepwater Horizon oil rig exploded, killing 11 people.
We’ll hear from the father of one of the men killed about who he thinks is to blame and what he thinks should be done.
Plus we’ll look at the condition of the Gulf of Mexico 1 year later.
We want to hear from you too... what do you see when you look back at the disaster, and when you look ahead at the Gulf? Facebook, email or tweet @RobinMeade
You’ll soon get more money if you’re bumped from a flight.
That’s part of the new passenger bill of rights that goes into effect in a few months.
The new NFL schedule is out, but will they even play?
You might have a trust fund… and not even know it.
A new study says a majority of parents with more than $3 million haven’t told their kids about it.
Come on Mom & Dad – tell me now!
Who says "I love you" first in a relationship?
We’ll tell you who and why.

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