Where's Robin Meade? Off to the Left Coast

Robin tweets:

I'm off to LA on assignment...working on somthin special for ya!

Meanwhile back at the radio ranch...
A stunning move last night from the Wisconsin Republicans. We’ll explain their surprising tactics in the controversial fight over public employees’ paychecks, pensions and health plans. The whole country is watching this one.

The weather map looks like a mass of paint splatters this morning. We’ll tell you who’s in the flood danger zone. An enormous portion of the country is on alert. And it’s still raining.

Is it "Islamophobia?" This morning, a New York Republican congressman launches hearings into how some American Muslims are becoming radicalized. He says it’s a necessary step. Critics say it’s an outrage.

You could work for Charlie Sheen. And you could fill a football stadium with all the folks saying: “Take me first. I’ve got tiger blood.”

Hear self-help guru James Arthur Ray’s message for the people who signed up to enter his Arizona sweat lodge. "You will feel as if you're going to die."

Also today…

Will Lindsay Lohan take a plea deal? If she does, it could very well mean jail time. We may find out today… and speaking of plea deals, check out the turnaround from Mel Gibson… and find out who’s going to play Sarah Palin in an upcoming movie about the 2008 presidential campaign.

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