
Sex Sex Sex: Show is all about sex

Howdy! Looking forward to singing for you and your fellow viewers in Nashville this weekend.
I'm performing at a fundraiser at the Limelight... tickets available!
CLICK HERE for all the info!
Okay in the news today--

Sex: Pink Slips, not lingerie tho'
In Wisconsin:
Lawmakers were told to get back to work, or 1,500 pink slips will go out today to state workers.
And no more sleepovers either – protestors were told to get out of the Capitol building.
If the NFL doesn’t work out its negotiations.... another league is ready to step in to bring you Sunday football. It's the Lingerie League moving from Friday night to Sunday afternoon.
A new auto recall. It's a sexy car...
And it’s because of spiders. Really!
Questioning in the Casey Anthony case brings her dad to tears.
If you just bought an iPad (before the price cut), check out how you can get $$ back!
No mincing words here -- President Obama says Gadhafi must go.
The mother of all economic reports comes out today–the February jobs report. That’s live during the show.

More teens and young adults are waiting before they have sex for the first time – according to a new study.

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