
Didja see me on Joy Behar last night?

This is fascinating:
Ford is limiting certain car colors because of a pigment shortage from Japan!
And I'm pretty sure we are talking very popular colors.
Good morning.
Thanks to Joy Behar for having me on her HLN show last night to talk about my album, out in June. (She is a hoot. Adore her.) So that explains my eye bags this morning.

Moving on:
Some people in California are back in their homes now that evacuation orders have been lifted after a brutal storm.
A grim milestone in Japan:
The death toll has now topped 10,000.
Big time bracket buster--Duke is out.
Oh my word!
I giggle every time I say one of the words that just officially got in the dictionary. It makes you either want to go to a bakery, or wear a girdle.
A serious case of 'we're gonna need a bigger boat.'
Check out our amazing video of a guy in a kayak… and a huge, huge, huge shark swimming around. Mommy.
Another great piece of video:
Is it or isn't it Big Foot? You decide.
Yeah, I know, stop me if you've heard this before.
For those in NYC Monday: stop by the iconic "Birdland" performance venue. I'm singing in Victoria Shaw's 7pm show. And I can't divulge names, but I hear some pretty big celebs will be there... :) Get ur tix here

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