
Snow Blasts Back Into Forecast - But Everythings Sunny for Trevor Bayne

Hi there...anybody here miss their tweets over the weekend?
There's a reason....keep reading.
Good morning.
This is Presidents Day.
If you have the day off, hope you enjoy it!
Maybe you spent part of your weekend watching the Daytona 500. Did ya get a load of the winner?
Let's start with that:
Between you and me, I had never even heard of the 20-year-old winner of the Daytona 500 before yesterday.
And this is cute:
He didn't know how to get to the winner’s circle… it was all sooo new to him.
Also you will see NASCAR’s touching tribute to the great #3, 10 years after his crash-related death at Daytona.
Okay here's what else is happening today:
700 flights canceled as Minnesota gets kicked with snow.
By the way that same system is now heading toward the Great Lakes and eastward.
Bob has more on who is about to get bombarded with this system.
The pro-democracy protests have moved to Libya–-
Moammar Gadhafi's son spoke on national television, saying talks on reform were only possible if demonstrations end first.
The developments seem to be changing quickly. Tune in for the latest.
Hey.. what happened to my tweets?
Twitter halted some of the apps that make your tweets happen by smartphone.
Now everyone’s all nicey-nicey with each other in the dispute.
But, in many cases, now you'll have to do some downloading to be able to tweet from your phone.
(I haven't done it yet. So my tweethearts, you get a break. Ha!)
Get back to work – that’s the message from the largest teachers’ union in Wisconsin.
But check out how some doctors are giving hall passes to absentee teachers!
And then:
Insects as the next great meat?
Dr. Drew is coming to HLN with a brand new nightly show! It starts this spring on HLN.

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