
Royal Wedding Barf Bag Is Ready for Those Who Want to Throne Up

Good morning... have you signed up on Twitter yet?
I'd love to read your tweets.. I’m @robinmeade on Twitter.
On today’s show:
The royal wedding is nearing.. and so are the souvenir gifts. A royal barf bag?! Seriously.

Big news that crib injuries may be underreported.
And get this:
It comes on the same day as a new recall of 500,000 bassinets.
More on both angles of this story.
New overnight:
A violent crackdown on thousands of protesters in Bahrain.
The mostly peaceful rallies turned ugly and reportedly involved rousting demonstrators out of their sleep.
Some schools in Wisconsin will be closed AGAIN today.
There are bigtime budget concerns.
And teachers are calling out sick to protest cuts.
More on what both sides want, and the latest on demonstrations at the capital.
The FDA is raising new red flags over millions of glucose test strips that were already being recalled.
On the show - and at - what brands you want to check for... because they could be giving you a false low reading.
Incredible video of sharks in the water!
How would you like your home to be a floating condo? Check out the planned 180-unit boat and where it’s going to go. It ain’t the tropics honey!
Why did Michael Vick cancel on Oprah? The people who now own his dogs are upset he did.

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