
NFL Knew Of Seat Screw Up a Week Ago

Are you kidding me?
The NFL allegedly KNEW as early as LAST WEEK they had a Super Bowl seating problem? And the league still let those fans trek down there without a clue about it?
Wouldn't that just burn your cookie?...
On the bright side of things: good morning to you, rock star.
Here's what else will grab your attention on today’s show:
Could a healthy diet make your toddlers *smarter?* New info could have you rethinking your mini-me's lunch.
Credit card debt is up for the first time since 2008.
But the pointy heads look at it like it’s a GOOD thing!
Get ready for another celebrity televised trial:
The trial of Michael Jackson’s doctor will be front and center for all to see.
Some people plan to hoard incandescent light bulbs...
Not only is the economy going up… so are our saddlebags, eyelids, and turkey gobblers.
Michael Vick gets the key to the city.
And the name of that city will surprise you.
Bob likes to joke that his mother pureed ham sandwiches for him when he was a mere baby.
(I think he’s joking anyway)
But seriously: when you start your baby on solid foods apparently has a link to whether they'll have weight problems or not!
Mommy likey the sound of our show today.
All that's missing is you.

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