
Facebook Friends Foul Mouthed - Fooey on them.

Your Facebook page might not be as socially acceptable as you think:
If you have dirty-mouthed friends who wrote comments like they talk...there's an app to clean it up!
Good morning. I know you are a busy person. Our show is the place to get your news in the fast lane.
US citizens are being evacuated out of libya amid the unrest there.
Check out how the state department is getting some of them out.
It comes after after moammar gadhafi's rambling statement on tv, some of which you'll see here.
Oil prices rose again because of what's happening in libya and across the region, See when you'll start seeing those prices reflected at the pump.
Hello mr mayor.
Rahn emanuel, who quit his white house job...won the race to be chicago's new mayor.
You'll see reaction here and what the prez said to his old pal.
Rescuers in new zealand are scrambling to find people trapped in earthquake rubble.
One woman was pulled from the rubble after being trapped for 24 hours!
Cell Phones excite the area of your brain closest to the built-in antennae.
And it's noticeable after just fifty minutes on the yacker.
More on that.
Uh-oh, li-lo.
Lindsay Lohan is making her eighth court appearance in nine months. See what the chances are of her going to jail this time around.
Pizza Delivery dudette saves an elderly woman's life!
After she ordered pizza EVERYDAY FOR THREE YEARS!
Now that's a good story.
And then:
Our pets are getting fatter than we realize.
Coming this spring: Dr. Drew's new nightly show, right here on HLN!

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