
Robin's Good Mornin' Email: Which Snow Drift Are You Under?

Under which drift is my car?
Buffalo is buried under snow!
I mean buried.
Check out video and ireports from your fellow viewers, with drifts up to six feet!!!!
We are still taking your ireports too.
Authorities are trying to see if the gun a man used to kill himself matches the one used to kill a Hollywood publicist. Ryan Smith is digging deeper. Get a video preview on the Morning Express facebook page.
Would you turn that thing down?!
Ever notice how blaringly loud the TV commercials are?
Well, all a new law needs is the President's signature and they'll have to pipe it down!
The latest reading on the jobs picture in America comes out today – we’ll bring it to you live
Boos and cheers in Cleveland, as Lebron James comes home – and kicks some Cavalier butt.
More people may be eligible to get lap band surgery, depending on what the FDA decides today.
Hey, have you heard "Welcome Home" on the radio station that plays holiday hits? Then call them and request it. Pretty please. :)

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