
Credit Cards Under Cyberattack

Thursday is connected to Friday!
How are you, bed head? I hope well.
Here we go:
A robbery gone bad.
Why do investigators now conclude THAT'S what led to the murder of Hollywood publicist Ronni Chasen?
We'll check out whether this means case closed.
Romance novels, with the blowing hair and wispy clothes (and that's just on the men)....are the fastest growing part of the e-reader market!
And I think you'll giggle at the reason why.
Teenagers, no energy drink for you!
At least that's how somebody, with a good amount of power, wants it.
Wikileaks targets Visa and MasterCard sites.
Honey do I have the same questions as you:
***If these credit card sites are being attacked, does my card still work?
***If I have a debit card, could my money in the bank be compromised?
***When I hear that a credit card site is down because of a cyber attack, should I wait to shop until later?
***What about shopping online?

Uh... Jennifer Westhoven to the rescue.
40 years after Jim Morrison was convicted of exposing himself at a concert in Miami - it looks like the state could grant the former Doors singer his pardon.
So why is his widow saying he'd hate that?
Snooki in a ball – ‘nuff said.
Ill be lookin’ at ya when the show starts.

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