
Robin Meade Growing Up Pictures

Our love/hate relationship with bangs apparently begins early in life. Lol.

Here's my sis, Tonda from "way back when."

I was a huge Ali fan growing up.

My dad Linro, a pastor - seen here, had a boxing bag in the garage for working out. For a brief moment I even had my own gloves.

OK, I admit. I ate squirrel as a kid... probably why I'm a vegetarian now.

Big Hair 80s

I won Mork and Mindy suspenders for knowing the books of the bible.

For Mother's Day 2015... some old photos of Mom - including her high school graduation portrait. Do I look like her?

Love spending time on the lake with nieces and nephews...

Mom and my brother and sister (I'm the one with the Dorothy Hamill haircut.

A topless baby pic of me. Big hair before big hair was popular.

Before I was a wife or tv anchor, I was Tonda and Kevin's middle sister... things never change.

Malone University, 1998... more of the big hair days!

Sophmore year in high school... when my hair was bigger than my butt.

NEW: some pics of me as a cheerleader and drum majorette...

Me in early high school, still learning makeup techniques. Band Grrl.

As a preacher's kid, it was practically a requirement that I play the piano...

In 1987 I won the Huron County Junior Miss title... making me eligible for the Miss Ohio pageant and eventually Miss America.